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On The Literary Training Of The Singer And Vocal Accomplishment

Posted on:2011-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308981673Subject:Vocal music and teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song singing, a cultural activity of conveying emotions by human voice, is a comprehensive arts of literature and music. It requires singers not only possessing definite vocal accomplishment, but also having corresponding literary mastery. Observing in general the essence of song singing or making micro-analysis on literary factors in singing, song singing needs supports and moistening from literary mastery. Therefore, it is the essential requirements of song singing and basic guarantee for raising vocal level that singers possess corresponding literary mastery. From the view of dialectical relation between literary master and vocal accomplishment of singers, vocal emotions needs correct guide of literary mastery; imagination in vocal singings also needs enriching and cultivating by literary mastery. Even understanding to the music of vocals needs help of literary mastery as well. Literary mastery provides singers a broad sky to develop artistic imagination consciously, and enable them consciously and flexibly applying singing skills to singing practices from the altitude of culture, so as to make singing acquiring new connotation and contents and further show up unique singing style.It has no doubts with the importance of literary mastery on song singing. Singers who want to keep the singing art well in hand must attach importance to improve their literary mastery at the same time of enhancing vocal accomplishment. Only by extracting nutrition from literary mastery to acquire emotions and enrich imaginations as well as properly applying skills, singers can provide the audience wonderful singing shows full of emotional connotation and artistic individuality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Singers, Literary mastery, Vocal accomplishment
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