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Vocal abuse in singers: Causes, prevention, remedies and cures

Posted on:1999-02-24Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Cain, Bruce AlanFull Text:PDF
Singers are generally at a much greater risk of vocal strain or injury from poor speech and health habits than they are from bad singing habits. If such habits are left unrecognized and unchanged, serious vocal trouble may develop. When these habits are combined with other factors such as negative environmental conditions, physical illness, emotional and psychological stress, they may develop into vocally abusive behaviors. These abusive behaviors can impede a singer's vocal growth and development. Vocal abuse can also lead to such conditions as nodules, polyps, or hemorrhage of the vocal folds, thus creating the necessity for vocal rehabilitation or medical treatment that might include surgery.;A survey of the vocal habits and general vocal health of two groups of singers identified vocally abusive behaviors in both speaking and singing. A structured course of action is presented starting from diagnosis of the problem and progressing through various therapeutic solutions. These options range from those that can be addressed by the music instructor or voice teacher to those that require the expertise of a competent voice care team including the patient, voice teacher, speech pathologist, and laryngologist. Also included are recommendations on how to find an appropriate, qualified medical practitioner.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vocal, Habits
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