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Cloth, And He Siegel And His Literary Point Of View

Posted on:2011-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308980499Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
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Buhehexige (1902—1943) is a distinguished Mongolian modern writer, translator, educator, as well as a defender and enlightenment thinker of Mongolian language and culture. He made enduring and significant contribution to the development of Mongolian culture, thus is worthy of the above evaluation that the Academia has conferred on him.In 1926, Buhehexige with his several friends established Mongolian Literature Association and acted as its member of a council.1927, the association started to publish an irregularly scheduled periodical Bing Yin which had come out three issues in Beijing by 1933 and ten issues in total by 1944 after it was moved to Kailu County. Being a comprehensive periodical, it took in articles of various subject matters such as about historical articles, theses, essays, poetries, short novels, folklores, and articles about common sense, terms, economy, sciences and hygienism etc, among which there were also Buhehexige's Investigation Note On Japanese Education, Preface to Origin of Mongolia, Preface to Bing Yin, Preface to The Secret History of the Mongols and so on.Setting about from the lifelong cause of Bukeheshenke, and combing it with his works, this dissertation makes a detailed analysis on the formation course, contents, characteristics and influence of Buhehexige's national spirit and its impact on his literary production. On the point of the formation of his thought, the dissertation not only focuses on the social environment of his era, but also associates Buhehexige's lifetime history with his accomplished cultural cause so as to unfold an overall elaboration while highlighting its own key points. As for the methods of its literary view statement, the dissertation primarily bases on presentational arguments and terminal summarization whereas applying other literary views such as one by one analysis, summary analysis, interpretation analysis and comparative analysis and so on.As far as the materials that collected by the writer, the first ever foreign scholar's study on Bukeheshenke dates back to 1952, and the domestic study on him didn't start until 1981. While, early researches on Bukeheshenke were all merely introductory studies, the recent studies are getting thoroughly. However, most of the studies all focus on Bukeheshenke's culture cause, and few researches were done on his national spirit which is a far more significant aspect of his lifetime thought and undertaking.The writers of all times and various origins all bear their own distinct aims and motivations of creation which, actually, are greatly influenced by the world view of each writer. Furthermore, the righteousness and legitimacy of writer's creation motivation largely depend on writer's advanced world view. Accordingly, the tremendous contribution that Buhehexige made for Mongolian literature, culture and education cause should also be traced back to his unremitting national spirit for his nationality's rise. Therefore, study of Buhehexige's such spirit is of a great significance to be reckoned with.Driven by such view and absorbing the research results of former scholars, the writer generalizes Buhehexige's inner impetus for his cultural cause—National Spirit, and makes an in-depth analysis on his literary points of view and literary works which are also one of the important sides of his cultural undertaking.Buhehexige's literary viewpoints possess vivid characteristics which are fully revealed in his works and deeds. As it is well known, scholar Wang Manda and Ba·Suhe have already attached sufficient attention on this point, and they have done quite a number of researches on the points from various perspectives such as valuing the language of nationality, stressing on real life, paying attention to edutainment nature of literature and emphasizing on inheritance and creativity of literature creation etc. Basing on these studies, the writer strives to dig deeper, analyzes and summarizes Buhehexige's literary viewpoints from eight different angles in the aim that the dissertation might provide some valuable proofs to the hereafter researchers.The dissertation is composed of four main parts including the Introduction, Chapter One, Chapter Two and the Conclusion.Combing those with the lifetime events of Buhehexige, the Introduction not only introduces his literature works and cultural deeds, but also presents the aim, general situation, research approaches and main structure of the dissertation.Chapter one consists of following three sections:National Spirit of Buhehexige, the Content and Characteristics of Buhehexige s National Spirit, the impact of Buhehexige's National Spirit. Section One places the growing course, educational experience and pioneering deeds of Buhehexige into his immediate social environment so as to have an overall analysis on the formation course of his national spirit. Section Two sums up the content and characteristics of Buhehexige's national spirit which contains three aspects of contents:to rouse the nation through literary culture, to develop the nation through drawing lessons from other nationalities' excellent cultures, and to save the nation through education. Besides, Buhehexige's national spirit demonstrates keen enlightening ray, strong responsibility, intense practicability, and admiring self-devotion nature. Section Three concludes the influence of Buhehexige's national spirit in the following few perspectives:it promoted the strengthening of Mongolian advanced intellectuals; it cultivated the awareness of creation in native language and protection of national cultural heritage.Chapter Two is divided into two sections. Section One takes a close look on Buhehexige's literary works, and generalizes his literary points of view from eight aspects by setting about from his ideas toward his nation's language and literary creation. Section Two probes into the impact that Buhehexige exerted on Mongolian modern literature and Mongolian literary theories, the enlightening effect that his literature forms raised, and the contribution that his works made to other publications, magazines and translation works.Grounding itself on the previous two main chapters, the Conclusion comes up with the due evaluation—As a Mongolian modern enlightenment thinker, Buhehexige made unremitting endeavors and sacrificed his whole life for the rising of Mongolian nationality. His unique enlightening thoughts and his daring practices have always been a valuable contribution and heritage to the development of Mongolian literary theories; especially to the literary theories of modern Mongolian.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buhehexige, National Spirit, Literary Viewpoints
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