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Evolution Of The Ming And Qing Historian Thought

Posted on:2011-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308967558Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 17th century, Historical Thoughts of China have plenty of active developments.In the Early 17th century, the development of social productive forces reached a very high level. It germinated the new mode of production and socio-economic prosperity. Socio-economic prosperity promoted the emergence of Enlightenment Thought. In cultural fields, the Ming Dynasty Neo challenges the song Dynasty Neo in the field of ideology. Two factions competed for the right of interpretation of the Confucian classics, and promoted the Enlightenment history, the Confucian classics and historical development of philosophy. In Jiangsu Scholars tended to "Boya" academic style. In Zhejiang Scholars tended to "Specialization" academic style. Both of them made great contributions for history.In the Late 17th century, the war caused serious damages for the social productive forces. Active social thoughts lost its living environment. Qing Dynasty adopted a harsh cultural policy and the completion of the imperial power's monopoly on the truth. In the new environment, scholars dedicated to the cultural preservation, and reconstruction of the Confucian morality, the politics and scholar'system. Enlightenment gradually ebbed, and textual documents became the mainstream of academic.Qian Qian-yi and Gu Yan-wu came from Jiangsu, and Huang Zong-xi came from Zhejiang. They are all famous historians. Because they came from different regions, so they had different academic styles. They made a significant contribution to the development of Chinese history.In the 17th century, historians had their self-consciousness. They critiqued the feudal autocracy and the orthodox thoughts. Orthodoxy had been shaken. In the preparation of intellectual history, the practical thoughts had been advocated strongly; in historical data-analysis, they had a systematic method to seek the truth from facts; they summed up the traditional academic system. In the end of Ming dynasty, scholars had made a significant contribution to the development of Chinese Historical Thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Period between Ming and Qing, Historical Thoughts, Changes
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