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Study Of The Literati Woren The Ethical Thought

Posted on:2011-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Wo Ren was a famous official and the leader of Confucianism between the time of Dao and Xian in the late Qing Dynasty,and he played a vital role in the inheritance and the rehabilitation of Neo-Confucianism, thus,researching and exploiting his ethical thoughts is necessary and feasible.From 1840, the British and French gunboats kicked the door to the Qing Empire, four hundred million people in China were suffering more and more, and the destiny of the nation was at a critical moment.The bureaucrats, the intellectuals,all sectors of society of the patriots who abided by the " Traditional Neo-Confucianism" in the Qing fought up against Europe and the United States.Wo Ren is not excepted, he chose the other path, and he resorted to the National Administration of Confucian, which was different from Westernization Group who depended on the west modern technologies for the development of country. Perhaps Wo Ren's the path Conflicted with the modern theme of the times,at that time we could not understand, then we also failed to understand objectively, first of all,Wo Ren had the only one theme on "How to govern a country" and "How to develop a power " in his controversy and political struggle.On the basis of collection and identification of historical data,the article systematically interpreted and formed the main contents of Wo Ren Ethical Theme, Theories of Humanity, outlooks on Life,values, practical views,which uphold and continuation the mains view of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming, at the same time, Wo Ren also gradually shaped as one of the Confucian intellectuals in the set of Confucians,Cabinet Minister, Master of Tong Zhi,Imperial Academy leadership, and Premier of The Financial Institution,which are the most important position in Qing Dynasty.In particular, the introduction is mainly about the major status of Wo Ren Thoughts and reserching method.The Chapter I introduces the basic situation of the family culture, political background, the course of scholarly researching, the reason to the turning of academic ideas, the scholarly practice of Neo-Confucianism and the political road; The chapter II introduces Ethical Theme, Theories of Humanity, Outlooks on Life,Values on Society, Practical Views and so on.The chapter III focuses on the social roots of ethical Thought;The Chapter IV reveals the modern value, including the moral standard, the ultimate care and the universal value.Here, we can not simply take an entirely negative attitude to Wo Ren 's ethical thoughts because it is incompetent on "The Current Affairs" of Qing Dynasty, and we also do not agree that the current crop research findings of "the feudalism diehards, or the conservative ",which contains a variety of emotional doctrine of color, and lacks of calm rationalism analysis.Thus, we hold that such thesis is not very objective, it seems that we define the ideological character and cultural psychology of Wo Ren as a "cultural conservatism" is more appropriate. With the changes of the times, Wo Ren's ethical ideology has a certain theoretical-oriented values to adjustment of the modern socialist market economic system and building a harmonious socialist morality. Therefore, we should insist an objective and concrete position and realistically study the ethical thoughts of Wo Ren.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wo Ren, Ethical Thoughts, Confucianism
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