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Modern Vietnam Border In Yunnan Section Of Town Formation And Impact

Posted on:2011-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308480428Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China and Vietnam are close neighbors. In close phase of the land boundary in the history of relations between China and Vietnam occupy an important position, especially in modern times, in specific historical relations between China and Vietnam, making the Sino-Vietnamese border in the formation and evolution may have some special. Sino-Vietnamese border to be given to the provisions of law, began in 1885 after the Sino-French War, Vietnam, China and France matters, and on the Sino-Vietnamese border signed a series of treaties, the Sino-Vietnamese border issue will be included in the scope of modern international relations.With the boundaries of the modern law of the country, the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border on the emergence of a new breed of small towns, these small towns, both in infrastructure construction, or administrative measures, than in the past in the region the town, showing a number of recent factors, which include the construction and maintenance of urban, industrial and commercial management and development, population growth and management of the border garrison and military preparedness, and the most modern sense of the water, postal, telephone, transportation Modern public facilities such as the establishment and improvement. These are positive steps, not only fundamentally changed the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border development path of small towns and, more importantly, in the modern urban management system developed under the small towns on the border building, development of border areas and consolidating frontier from to a positive role and influence. Therefore, the study of this particular period of frontier towns in southwest China on the understanding of knowledge formation and consolidation of territory has important academic significance. At the same time, the small town is the border areas of urbanization, modernization of the core, back in the history of the rise of frontier towns, border towns for the current planning and building of border towns have a positive and practical significance.This article is in Vietnamese border town on the Yunnan section of this study, these towns were from east to west:Funing, Malipo, Maguan, Hekou, Jinping. Research methods using historical data, during the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of local history as the main source of information to the Republic of China scholars discuss the relevance of this region to supplement, restore Qing Early Republic of China, the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town's development trajectory, Border towns and the rise of the impact on the interpretation. Paper is divided into four parts:The first chapter introduces some of the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border and national distribution of administrative divisions of Yunnan section of the border academic of History, theories and methods of use.The second chapter, the rise of Vietnamese border town in Yunnan Province. Analysis of the Sino-Vietnamese border town in Yunnan section of the rise of the background details of the discussion process of the rise of the various municipalities.Chapterâ…¢explained the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town of the rise. These effects include:strengthening border consolidation of frontier to defend national sovereignty, maintaining social order and stability of the frontier society, the construction of road development frontier traffic, immigration reclamation in industrial projects to promote economic development in border areas, border areas to organize schools to promote educational and cultural undertakings.Concluding section summarizes the whole, arguments. Because of the county rely on administrative divisions, the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town stepped into a stage of development and actively promote the political side of building. The modern town-building measures, not only fundamentally changed the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town of the development path, more importantly, the rise of these border towns on the border building, development of border areas and consolidating frontier has a positive significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-Vietnam Frontier, Town, Influences
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