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In The Novel The Narrative Of Land In The New Period

Posted on:2011-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360308464924Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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China is an agricultural-based country.2010 document No.1 once again pay attention to "Agriculture", which is central from the seventh consecutive year since 2004, the first document of the end-result will be lock in " three dimensional rural" areas, also decision-making since the founding of China Layer on the "three dimensional rural" concerns the longest cycle. Land and labor as the means of production targets is the most important basis of agricultural production in China. The land has always been concerned in the history of china, and often appears in the author's literary works, but the literature in the field of land as an independent image has few works. Land narrative is built around the performance of works the land for political economy, culture, human thought, from the political, cultural, human vision to start narrative. Narrative from the political perspective of the land under the authority of political discourse shows the land as a political movement and a symbol of the great victory of land sports a beautiful ring, and the people who adhering to the land, facing the back of loess overturned live in poverty. Land for the peasants of the most important means of production, in the literary works carving field, stooding up and becoming masters of the joy of victory is a celebration of the Agrarian Revolution, the CCP provides the correct guidelines, principles and development of a celebration of a political party through the power of positive propaganda literature to consolidate their position, through real-life literary intervention, for political service performance. Work.through the changes in response to the land owner in real life people change social status, which reflects the new China, a new life of new rural farmers. Meanwhile, the present China is still poor and backward rural phenomenon, there is a group of diligent farmers, their backs facing the loess overturned, hard labor, but can not escape natural disasters, tax and economic predicament. However, difficulties faced, simple farmers seek generations living on the land, shed sweat. Even if the bloody tears, and even their homes did not dampen their hopes for life and eventually gave birth to their stay in the land. They are the group of heroic struggle between heaven and earth, the group with natural disasters, harsh reality of resistance of tall figure. Works around the barren land, indomitable life, the plight of the Living; cultural perspective narrative shows the land under the impact of modernity in the rural areas and urban land decadent break free from the land but the land is not open memory of struggling farmers. With the development of commodity economy, the continuous development of the rural economy, land is no longer the only survival of the farmers, the new generation of farmers began to leave the land and find another to survive, the older generation of farmers land to become a firm position, land abandoned to their fate is a general trend, the writer in nostalgia and helplessness in the pain lingered, stick with the abandoned land became the focus of conflict. In the cities, leaving farmers in rural areas such as duckweed, in the bustling city rootless wandering sense of their passion for the land deep in the heart and memory, in the busy looking for land, feel the fragrance of the land, they are in the modern city high-rise buildings, concrete plate in search of land, a trace of life; human perspective narrative showing interest in land, the land before human good and evil, since it is important to the survival of land information, the benefits of land temptation, it reveals human nature True, there are greedy for land brought brutality, but also adhere to the faith of the land, wins and losses in the land of good and evil in human nature revealed. Land show the political, cultural, three aspects of human nature is both a cross, they are parallel, show the land and the dark halo, back and defend, good and evil form the picture of society as a whole.
Keywords/Search Tags:humanity, predicament, struggle, Land narrative
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