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On Conrad's Cultural Identity And Its Relationship Of The Novel

Posted on:2010-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y DanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360278478983Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The focus of this article is the integrated representations of different cultures in a novelist's creation and in which how the representations are represented. The Polish-born British writer Joseph Conrad is chosen for this study to observe the integration of Polish culture and British culture in his literature creation. Conrad is a famous characteristic British novelist in the end of the 19th century and early 20th century. Both of his novel artistic and theme are special with other contemporary novelist, which is closely related with his origin. This article will observe the representations degree of British factor and Polish factor in Conrad's different literature creation periods.Firstly, The outcast of the island. 1. The theme of this novel: The novel represents the writer's moral critical attitude for individualism and personal struggle in British society and judgment on characters who believe the standard of country loyalty and family responsibility in his morality. The author unconsciously followed collective imagination of the white colonists to shape features and depict scenery, which included despise for Asians and Creoles, mock for the selfish of colonists and understanding and sympathy for the suffering of the colonized people, that reveals the oppose of two different cultures and civilizations as well as the illusion of imperialism colonial rule. Generally, Polish culture perspective is Conrad's literature creation norm in the early period, the moral and the evaluation criteria of the British colonialists are rarely represented. 2,It is closer to traditional romantic Polish literature artistically.Secondly., Nostromo.1. The theme of this novel.: According to the author's evaluation criteria, the story revealed the corrosion of capitalist society's material interests through two characters' pursuit for ideal. This subject is related with seeking national liberation and national independence in Poland's history. 2. Britain's individualism in no longer fully exclusive from author's mind, the combination of personal struggle and social responsibility becomes author's novel idea. This change can be seen as a result of partly acceptance of British culture, which based on values of Polish culture. For the attitude of the colonizers and the colonized people, Conrad criticized the United States to encroach on the American colonies; the view is closed with the United Kingdom. Overall, this novel showed the adapting acceptance for British culture, and more British culture perspective is represented. In the art of this novel, it is the combination of realism of British novel and romanticism literature of Polish.Thirdly, The shadow line. 1. Moral values of the author. The novel represents the author's evaluation criteria for character is rationality, solidarity, work and responsibility, which is consistent with the British's. 2. The attitude for colony is that is full of disease, scourge, mysteries and it cannot mastered, which is also in line with the British public view. Generally, Conrad's perspective at that time is approximately same with British morality. In the artistic aspect, the concept and development in his novel is closer to British novels', meanwhile, romantic description is still reserved.Above all, Conrad's novel maintained the Polish literature artistically, while his creation concept is closer to British literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Joseph Conrad, English culture, Polish culture, cultural chose
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