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Discussion On Kif And Murakami In The Art Of Nationality

Posted on:2010-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DongFull Text:PDF
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In any era, any one of the outstanding artists are concerned about the trend of the times, concerned about the changes in fashion, but they are more important to live according to their own experience of social life according to their own observation and analysis, according to their own thinking to selection , the idea to the completion of their own creativity. In particular, they want from the nation, the region's cultural traditions in the absorption of nutrition, made with the national identity of the artistic creation. Keefer and Takashi Murakami are currently active in the contemporary art of the famous first line of artists, from their work can feel a strong German culture and the spirit of Japanese culture, the two artists have the right in the national art of traditional and contemporary art to build a bridge between, and its unique personality with a distinctive ethnic works to conquer the whole world. The performance of their work force to stay on the screen is not only itself but more the meaning of the screen can not see the cultural heritage and the potential strength of the national spirit at work. Nationalization of the more artistic, the more significance. Prevalent in the face of the reality of globalization, it should be emphasized that local characteristics and the value of regional style. The successful experience of the two artists on the development of Chinese contemporary art with a certain degree of reference. The development of Chinese contemporary art should be to absorb the culture and foreign culture, but this should not be readily absorbed, and regional "original ecology" arts, as well as the complete copy of the "use doctrine" is not the contemporary China the pursuit of art direction and development, in the face of how to use a variety of cultural resources at the same time, it should be to maintain the independence, emphasizing originality, in this way can the development of contemporary art in the map to find the coordinates of their own to create the characteristics of Chinese Contemporary Art .
Keywords/Search Tags:Awareness of the national, Character of the local community, Absorb the essence
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