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Masked Eve

Posted on:2010-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360272998745Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is based on Yan Geling's novel and combined with writer's personal life history and her creative experience, it is a research of "metaphor" in her novel version . In this paper, the research way is to read the novels carefully and than make the metaphors that are more important for classification and description of image, rather than factual. In that case,it is bound to research the writer's personal situation of the East-West cultural differences, as well as the status quo to be considered.Introduction is a brief introduction and summary of Yan Geling's creation, and there are some representative views for its evaluation when she was at home and abroad . At the conclusion of her life, as well as the impact of the formation is proposed on the focus of this article. In addition to the former, works of her creations at this stage are also considered and other new views in this article and research methods.Chapter one based on Yan Geling's identity, select《Fu Sang》that had caused great concern as a small incision ,and to analyse the things ;the color and the characteristics that with East meaning to find out the metaphor . on the basis of《Fu Sang》,to analyse other novels that the authors refer to East and West(because if we do this part of the work one by one, the first is that's not necessary, and the second is that will lead to focus not highlighted).And than I pointed out that when the East face the West, before the eyes of the westerners, all in all normal things become abnormal and the metaphorical significance is very important. At the same time the situation of Asians who face the West had formed a more deep metaphor.Yan Geling's works can be divided into two types as a standard to the content . The one is :East and the West's collision, and the other is to describe Chinese again. The second chapter is based on the author's describes China's novels, mentioned a number of short stories, and analyse the "metaphor" meanings. But this part of the work is created by the writer in the United States , in other words, although only in the content of local (or local focus), but we can not ignore the existence of the potential impact that caused by West.Chapter Three is to analysis the metaphor in Yan Geling's other novels that perform other kinds of theme and people one by one, and doing some refining and distillation of metaphor embodied in the common image in several novels. In this paper, there are some new research results----- involving the new novel that published in 2008《Xiao yi DuoHe》and 2009's《People live away from home》.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan Geling, Symbolic, imagery, metaphor
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