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Indulge In The Fantasy

Posted on:2009-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fantastic movies, represented by the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Ring serials, have hit the global box office and continuously broken box office record set by themselves since 2000. Lord of ring: the return of the king won 11 Oscars, bringing the fantastic movies to the climax.In this thesis, profiles of the fantastic movie are analyzed and presented to the audience from its aesthetic characteristic, culture value and industrial strategy. Fantastic movie gets unique aesthetic charm from its role position, story structure, time/space arrangement. The culture value it conveyed supplies people with balance lacked in the reality, and builds an ideal for people to escape the reality world. The huge production cost also makes its strong dependence on the industrial strategy and business operation to become profitable and the winner of the box office. Discussions of fantastic movie are now moved form the entrainment topic to a culture phenomenal, invoking peoples' strong desire to return to the original when facing trouble in the modern economical and ecological situations.As an independent movie style, fantastic movies have got fast development in Hollywood. But on the contrast, the domestic development is far from mature. With tendency of commercialization and globalization for the film industry, the paper hopes to contribute some help to the Hollywood Fantastic movie researches.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fantastic movie, Genre characteristic, Narrative of the game, Culture value, Industry strategy
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