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Mania: The May Fourth Literary Individualism Gesture

Posted on:2009-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360245962745Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Frantic is the spiritual and the thought disorder external behavior .In the cultural level, means that deviate from the track of rational or irrational because of the absence of performance and the words and deeds of the grotesque. Writer's brings the crazy of realistic society into the literature creation, expressed him (she) to in social as well as society's person's ponder and the understanding .May 4 period, under western modern literature ideological trend influence, modern intellectual based on the traditional frantic image, absorb the modern western consciousness, create a series of frantic groups with its own philosophy and the quality. To "frantic" independence different from the public face of the individual was fully displayed, the extension and intension of madness have been expanded and deepened.Through the ages ,frantic as human social life of a special situation in the state ,have not only aroused the concern of the physician ,but also as a social phenomenon has also been the concern of the thinkers ,and was given the profound connotation .Frantic unlimited open in the field of thought has been further extension and expansion ,in the literature showed its image of the rich ,but still lacks its own independent character.Under its unique background, May 4 had once raised one "crazily" play's upsurge. There are two reasons for the emergence of the upsurge : on one hand ,there is May 4 sprits of the age summon ,which was one kind of mood shines upon at that time to the hurricane advance time ;on the other hand ,it was closely linked with the personality literature ,after personality rebuffed an echo .Frantic in May 4 literature works increased its intrinsic implication above the traditional direction ,enabled this image to have the independent culture and the philosophy moral character.May 4 crazy group portrait's existence has the significant significance to the time and the literature development. Speaking of the time, The fraction in the works of Xu Qinwen and other local writer's manifested May 4 writers to the lower level populace's attention, To old ethics complaint; In Lu Xun's works in this period we will see that the writers themselves and the spirit of national soul-searching, And a forward-looking times of concern about the plight of human existence. On the literature, Images on the novel from the madness to some extent in modern fiction stylistic changes, in particular the psychological novel and aesthetic sense changes.All the madness of May 4 has different experiences, however, the final are the same way, and there were only two: death or return. In the choice of life and death display the dilemma of human existence .This dilemma of human nature is also encountered by the plight of common difficulties and embarrassment.After the sequence , May 4 literature in the frantic image , from the perspective of different civilization and rational for a double deconstruction ,expand the vision of modern literature ,deepening the subject ,complete this motif of fossil .On the one hand ,it inherited the tradition of frantic images independent aesthetic properties ;on the other hand learned a frantic in western literature certain modern image quality , for example ,character in-depth morbid psychology excavation ,but not only limits to character's external performance .This kind of brand-new value idea has broken the traditional thought pattern ,outside the traditional rationality ,has developed a stretch of brand-new world ,has its own special value and significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:May 4 Literature, Frantic, Individualism, Introspection
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