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To Face A Crippled Life

Posted on:2009-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360245476882Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shi Tiesheng is a well-known contemporary writer. Beginning with his personal fate, he produces his works in a reasonable and emotional way. Especially, his deep concern and his profound analysis of the defective life constitute a unique style of his production. From the defective individuals, he witnesses the stratified lives and tastes the peculiar value of defectiveness. In fighting against fate, he holds high the banner of love in the pursuit of harmony and unity. His production is a faithful reflection of his existence and thought, and demonstrates his high entrepreneurial spirit as well, highly artistically appealing. Whether it's about the memories and reflection on the educated youth's life, or the concern and thinking about the fate of the defective, even all human beings, his production clearly shows his serious and optimistic attitude towards life, oriented to simple but profound prose and philosophy, which makes him unique among the contemporary writers.Judging from the sense that the ultimate aesthetic purpose is "the free extension of life", Shi Tiesheng is practicing a kind of aesthetic act with his life and production. The aesthetic implication in his works is that he, through personal experience and deep sentiment, grasps the essential feature of humanexistence——all human beings are in a state of defectiveness all the time.Defectiveness is not a pessimistic word; it is the existence of defectiveness that reveals the meaning and the value of life. Faced with defectiveness, Shi Tiesheng fights with thinking and writing, and endeavors to make it up with generous love and care. He takes the lives of the multitudes as his aesthetic subjects, thinking and writing as his aesthetic approach and love as his aesthetic pursuit, persistently establishing his own aesthetic world in a lonely way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shi Tiesheng, life, aesthetics, defectiveness, writing, love
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