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The Plain Language Of Deep Feelings

Posted on:2009-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LaiFull Text:PDF
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Chinese piano music has arisen and developed along with the communication between the Chinese culture and western culture and their continuous integration. It is through hundreds of years that the composers have committed themselves to musical creation, and done enormous significant works in musical exploration and originality, so that the contemporary Chinese piano music tends to be perfect. As a major branch of Chinese piano music, the piano music which is adapted from Chinese folk songs has played a very important part in Chinese piano music. As the resources and foundations of Chinese piano musical creation, the adapted works has covered the whole history of Chinese piano music creation, and exerted far-reaching influences on it.Mr. Jianzhong Wang, an outstanding and influential composer and musical educator, plays an important role in the field of Chinese musical creation of piano. He is well-known for a large quantity of the adapted music of piano for high quality and diversity in musical styles. All these excellent works has shown his great competence in music.This thesis, composed of four parts, focuses on the piano adapted music from《Four Folk Songs of Northern Shanxi》by Mr. Jianzhong Wang.The first part discusses from second aspects.1.It is centered on the path of development that Chinese adapted piano music from folk songs has covered: the enlightening period; surging period; booming period; adapted music from folk songs marked by specific times; and period of multi-direction development. The thesis puts an effort to introduce the most brilliant works of each period and their features. 2.It puts emphasis on the artistic career and composition of Mr. Jianzhong Wang, in addition, on an effort to explore into the stylistic features of his piano music by categorizing his works according to music genres and composing techniques he has applied. The second part probes into the creation of the adapted piano music from《Four Folk Songs of Northern Shanxi》from two perspectives: the background of creation, in which an introduction is given to the origin of the four pieces of folk songs and their periodical background as well; an analysis of the creation techniques.The third part prokes into the technical of the adapted piano music from《Four Folk Songs of Northern Shanxi》. This technical analysis extends to four points: structural features, rhythmic features, harmony features, as well as the combining features. This thesis is based on the exploration and analysis of the original music by means of comparison and contrast, and lays special attention to a study on how to integrate the Chinese composing theories and western theories into each other in piano music creation, so that we can achieve a new sound on the basis of remaining the traditional national features of the original music and form a Chinese piano music which is typical of national style.The four part deals with the playing techniques adopted in the adapted piano music from《Four Folk Songs of Northern Shanxi》. It consists of the interpretation of the playing each work, and an analysis of the playing skills employed. This thesis aims at coming to a summary about the significance of playing Chinese piano music in teaching practice, which is achieved by a detailed analysis of the playing techniques and combined with personal playing practice and teaching experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:piano, folk songs, adaptation, national, playing
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