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On Xun Studied Music Ideas

Posted on:2008-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360218450010Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Late Warring States, the reunification of the social, political and economic was the trend of the times. With suitable, Xunzi and his school's thought of music reported this trend positively. Xunzi and his school's thought of music, which represented by the "Music Theory" and "Music", was a critical succession and a summary to those before academic thinking. In the content, it provided a theoretical basis for the ruling and the social governance. Generally speaking, Xunzi and his school, which was on the basis of Confucius's views, founded a relatively complete system of music theory. In the article, I will expound it in the following aspects:Firstly, the music is the performance of emotional. Xunzi and his school lay stress on the emotional. As its main purpose was to proof if the ability of music had an effective to the people. This was not covered by the Confucius. Secondly, the music is the essence of ethics. Xunzi and his school inherited the tradition of "Virtue" from Confucius that they all pursued the harmonious music with pretty and virtuous in the aesthetic and moral cultivation. The harmonious music should guide the emotional by ethical and guide people to perform good deeds, and then can be further achieved the social harmony. Thirdly, the music has an important social function. On the basis of Confucius's the ceremony and music theory, Xunzi and his school profoundly expounded the different characteristics of the ceremony and the music. They emphasized the function of them in social and political life. The ultimate goal was to make the ceremony to be complemented. Fourth, the music had the affect of the formal enlighten by education, which was the largest difference to Confucius. Xunzi and his school said that the human nature was evil. So to every human people, they all must be education. The most important function of the Music was refinement. At last, the music could make the social to be stability and unity. Finally, by the influence of the Yinyang and the Taoism, Xunzi and his school put forward that the music was with the Heaven and the Earth. It was because that Xunzi and his school want to find the philosophical foundation of music theory. Xunzi and his school hope that the music could achieve the natural, the social and the universe in a great harmony.Based on the above analysis of the five aspects, the development of Xunzi and his school's thought of music displayed clearly. Then relations and differences between Xunzi and his school and Confucian are demonstrated, mastering the theoretical status and importance meaning of Xunzi and his school's thought of music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xunzi and his school, music, emotions, ethics, ceremony, formal enlighten by education, harmonious
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