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On Modern Music Sight-reading And Training Methods

Posted on:2008-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J DuFull Text:PDF
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The 21st century is an explore and creative century. In themulti elemental social environment where man is taken as basisposture. What music will be?Look back to the hundred years of music. We can say that themainstream of music about the hundreds years was full of all kindsof creative ideas and composition methods which is one exploring andblending century. The modern music isn't divided by time whichreveal a new artistic style, a fresh mode of thinking and a freshaesthetic judgement.The leaders and the experts are all agree with that we can'tafraid of modern music. In opposite to, we shoud afford thecircumstance which the students can study and research that makethem have artistic nurture and education.Solfeggio, a fundamental course, all though the ages toaccumulate various musical terms, to enrich multiple musicalthinking and to develop proper audio trend and all-roundappreciating manner. So, put the modern solfeggio into the classesof the advanced normal university can help students sulsill theirpotential of musical appreciation.One way to development music, we will confirmedly go on, weall the time are required to safe music which a developmental viewand though and to adopt ever known and unknown music form with amagnanimous gesture.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern Solfeggio, necessity, exercise methords, preparation about solfeggio, teaching in advanced normal univercity
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