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On The Modern Chinese Oil Painting In The " Real " Fade Away And Reconstruction

Posted on:2008-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215491931Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Most of modern people don't know modern art, or they don't know the artistic world at all, this is a general view and traditional aesthetic view—the reason is they take the point of art should be the reproduction of nature, this point refers that painting should be reproduction of the real world, it is thought that whether the painting shows reality of natural world or not is the standard to judge an art. The thesis researches "reality" in different period and genre, it finds what's "reality" view in traditional painting, what view is hold by realistic "reality" view, the different ansuers of modern art and post modern art for "reality". First, the realist reality is a kind of real reconstruction different from classical time, the themes they express are different; on contemporary happenings; attention on the ugly make people face the contemporary real world and the reality of life. Second, the reality of modern art is different from traditional art and realistic art, it is for a kind of meaningful reality, psychological reality, and then focus on spiritual world, so modern art tries to express the world that couldn't be expressed, it speaks to itself, that's why modern art is hard to understand. Last, post modern art reality and mordent art are different, post mordent art is not for a kind of immortal reality as modern art but return to real world and speaks contemporary happenings, while, this attention to contemporary reality is different from the past realism, because contemporary real world is unreal for the control of media, it is a second real world, so post modern art reflect the unreal of reality really. A new conclusion for "reality" is then got through analysis on these different answers on human's own life value & meaning, it's a question for "reality" of "human", this is the real "reality", also we can say it's a kind of experencial "reality". Then we put this "reality" in to a room and from to investigate, at last we'll find that changes from classical time to modern time of space in painting, it is merely a question for the "reality" in artistic view. Also, investigations on style language help us to understand the changes of languages such as classicism, impressionism, cubism, realism……, it is rather to run for that life experiencial "reality" This "reality" shows us a world finally, in this world, human runs for life value and existing meaning forever.
Keywords/Search Tags:reality, oil-painting creation, life experience, style language
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