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"stewardess" "" Usage Analysis

Posted on:2008-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215481124Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article studied one remark of aspect"le"in Modern Chinese with the difference and grammatical relation between Perfect and Perfective in typology. Firstly we distinguished end-placed"le"and ending"le"according to their syntactic position. The end-placed"le"means that"le"is at the end of clause, which can finish one sentence or not. The end-placed"le"which can not finish one sentence also includes austerity complex sentence without punctuation. The ending"le"means that"le"is behind verbs moreover in front of Object or complement and the"le"in"VleV". Then we did quantitative analysis about usage of end-placed"le"and ending"le"in Wang Shuo'novel Kong zhong xiaojie with the method of statistical analysis. Especially we mainly analysed the end-placed"le". The usage of"le"in Kong zhong xiaojie is very flexible: There's no doubt that end-placed"le"has current relevance, but it's difficult to analyse the end-placed"le"in Kong zhong xiaojie with five kinds of current relevance Li(1982)posed. So we classified the end-placed"le"in the form firstly, then we did exact semantic analysis about it. We discovered that a lot of"Vle"in Kong zhong xiaojie were used to finish one sentence, most of which were used to confirm fact happened, some were the reasons of proof discourse. And a large number of"VleVP2"were used to state facts, reasons and conditions etc in proof discourse. These usages were reflection of function of Perfect. But some"VleVP2"and"V了"which can finish one sentence were used to recount process of events. So we think that the end-place"le"has the function of Perfective besides the basic function of Perfect. A lot of"VleO"were used to finish sentences, most of which were used to recount result of process of events. These usages were reflection of function of Perfective. But some"VleOVP2"were used to state facts, reasons and conditions etc. in proof discourse. Therefore we conclude that the basic function of ending"le"is Perfective, but it still retains discourse function of Perfect to a great extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:end-placed"le", ending"le", Perfect, Perfective, current relevance
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