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Environmental Ethics Scale, Of The Campaign

Posted on:2008-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WangFull Text:PDF
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Advertising activity is a part of economic field, which plays a catalyzing part in the development of social economy. At the same time, it is a kind of social cultural activity. It advocates some consumption means and value concepts, which will guide people's life style and production means.Since Industrial Revolution, humankind has exploited and conquered natural resources and created rich material wealth. Meanwhile, advertising activity is not only a method to spread information and promote consumption, but also a consumption concept to make new consumption and advocate luxurious consumption. Therefore, it has brought about some negative influences. The first is luxurious and limitless consumption, which advances the excessive consumption of the limited resources on the earth and threatens human's resistance. The second is the endless greed, which degrades humankind into the slavery of materials. Gastronomy and money worship are very popular, which also intensifies the conflict between individual and society and causes all kinds of social problems. These annoying problems are threatening human's existence and living quality. Therefore, lots of scholars begin to think that we have to contribute these problems to the irrational life style of human beings and start to criticize the advertising activity. In addition, they also begin to seek the correct life style and production means with the common development of human, society and nature as the goal. Under the background of global crisis, there come the basic theories and principles of environmental ethics so as to provide strong theory support to the harmony between human and nature. The principles of environmental ethics have the following concepts, such as respect for life, moderate consumption, sustainable development and so on, which is the theoretical background to conduct advertising activity in accordance with modern society.With the guide of environmental ethics, the development of advertising activity needs regulation mechanism and restriction mechanism. On one hand, it needs to abide by law and regulation. On the other hand, the most important is that it needs to consider the coordinated development of economy, society and environment and advocate the moderate consumption mode whether the advertising practitioner or the objects whom the advertising aims to. At the same time, we should strengthen the self-discipline in advertising field as well as social supervision from the perspective of advertising activity. In my opinion, we should conduct advertising activity under the guidance of these principles, which will make great contributions to the overall development of humankind. People should also change their life style so that the ecological environment of the whole society will be improved. I firmly believe that advertising activity will develop orderly and the society will develop harmoniously with our common efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:advertising activity, environmental ethics, scale, regulations, restriction, mechanism
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