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Television Research In The Perspective Of The Sitcom

Posted on:2008-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R GuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sitcom has a comparative long history specially in the UK and the USA since it appeared. And it has been related to comic performance and stage experience deeply. Generally speaking, since the broadcast and television invented, this kind of comic stage performance was either actively chasing or passively accepting the tools of mass communication. Also, no matter embracing the change willingly or being have to accept the adaption reluctantly, it makes itself compliant and survival in the new age. Up to now, the trace of stage performance has been faded with the time, it grows up as a mature television genre. It is completely an aethetic object deserving the comprehensive ans thoughtful review, the author will go through it with Television Studies.Chinese sitcom is the main object of research for this dissertation. After introducing the four major methods of Television Studies, the textually analysis is chosen to be applied in this paper. The author put the Chinese sitcom back to the background of the early age when the sitcom started in the UK and the USA. Also, the author introduce the how the Chinese traditional comic stage performance try to adapt to the new age in order to compare with the western condition. After that,the author examine the characters of genre and narraitve in particular case My Own Swordsman. The author hopes this basic research work could be a good experience for the deeper review of sitcom and any other TV genre in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sitcom, Television Studies, Textual Analysis, Genre, Narrative
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