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To The Young Reader. Bingsin "aesthetic World

Posted on:2008-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F ZhuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215451125Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern Chinese literature originated from the period encompassing the "May 4th" movement. During this period, while most writers paid great attention to the country's destiny and the incorrigibility of people in the country, Bing Xin used her own unique style to draw attention to the plight of Chinese children. Bing Xin's "Send to Young Readers" has an impressive significance in Chinese Children's literature, and has made a great contribution to Chinese children."Send to Young Readers" was first published in July of 1923. After being submitted many times for publication in Beijing's "Morning Paper," it was eventually serialized in columns of the newspaper's supplement "The Child World." The anthology "Send to Young Readers" was dispersed in 29 parts. The author wrote this piece during the period between 1923 to 1926 while she was studying abroad in the USA. Through her use of rich knowledge, simple emotions, a new style of writing, and fresh language for young domestic readers, the novel became a vivid report of what one sees and hears on a journey and includes continuous narrations of foreign lands and folk customs. This piece opened a new window for the children of the "May 4th" movement. It has been generally welcomed by young readers, and has also affected the aesthetic appeal of later generations of children. Even now, when we read it again, it makes us realize this literature is filled with great cultural aspects, emotions, artistic appeal and unique writing styles.The main content of this thesis is derived from analyzing how Bing Xin's anthology "Send to Young Readers" has influenced Chinese children's literature which has a "May 4th" movement background and how it is important to the history of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature. This thesis also analyzes how the author used her ideas: respect for children's individuality, the importance of maternal love and childlike innocence, to introduce this unique writing style, and to display the novel's fresh language. Today, Bing Xin's writing continues to make contributions to Chinese children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bing Xin, "Send to Young Readers", Children, Love, Beautiful
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