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On The Theme Of Travel In The Bible

Posted on:2008-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212993414Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Holy Bible is one of the greatest religious canons in human history, but the abundant literariness decides that it is a great literary canon as well. Reading the Bible as literature, we can recognize its unique artistic characteristics and particular position in western literary tradition. The theme of journey showed in the Bible is obvious, which becomes a designated narrative structure. Characters in literature works travel or migrate constantly, and the works arrange different scenes and events through the characters' experience during journey. This process is an inner clue of plots developing and also the outer space of the events depended on. Researching this theme has significance on interpreting the unique literariness in the Bible and understanding its profound influence on later literature and culture.This thesis analyzes how the theme expresses in the Bible text at first. On the whole, the Bible shows a process that human was exiled from Paradise because of the Sin, and return to it by struggle and pursuit. Hebrew heads of families Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, all of them experience different journey, while Exodus is the most representative one. Kingdom period is of prosperity and stability in Israel history, but sooner after that, Israel begins to exile around the world, for south and north separating, foreign aggressing and sanctuary destroyed. Thus, there are some people with lofty ideals called Prophets appeal for resistance. In the New Testament, the center hero Jesus is in wandering all his life, and his journey provides a distinct track for his action among his life. Apostle St.Paul's journey for preaching reveals his devout to the faith, and he saves Christianity to some extent.Secondly, this thesis analyzes and synthesizes the narrative characteristics about journey theme. One of the important aspects about this theme is pilgrim, that is to say, struggling for the faith, deepening and firming the faith during the trudge. This make the theme peculiar in language, structure and narrative mode. Space background concerned with journey theme is conveyed by such brief language, leaving much space blank, which is used to emphasize its theological goal. Though the purpose of narration in the Bible is not to portray characters, it still creates many varied and vivid ones.Thirdly, this thesis analyzes the hidden significance about journey theme from realistic, religious and literary perspectives separately. Viewing from realities, this theme implies the history of Hebrew, including the necessary migration for survival as a nomadic tribe, the exile after Babylon of Prisoners. Viewing from religion, journey action is related with the concept of "The Promised Land" and "The Chosen People". This religious background and mind characters influence the nation's development process. Researching on literature view, this theme has become a classic structural pattern, and it influences the later works completely and profoundly on subject, narration, thought, etc.The spirit of eternal pursuit showed in the Bible not only expresses in literature, but also in art, philosophy and ideology. It describes the human's persuit on material and spirit, and represents the struggle on inspirit baptism and soul salvation during self development. Researching on this description and its significance is also a studying on human's spirit of eternal pursuit.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Bible as Literature, journey, narrate
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