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Probe Into The Cause Of European And American Contemporary New Painting

Posted on:2008-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212987826Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the afternoon of 1970's, incontinent art innovation—the art genre appearedtwenty years ago more than the summation of it appeared 200 years ago—the western modernart get into empty and stray date. Artists are agony, puzzled and at loose ends. However, in this time, a new painting affected by Germany and Italy are spreading silently. In the art field, the sound of " the end of art" and " the death of art" have not quit down. Easel painting is spreading in western art field with the speed and vigour that has not appeared before. Toward this "reversion" phenomenon, the artistic historians and artistic critics have been not in agreement. However , new painting artists are activing in art field and their works is highly thought of by the collectors and galleries. This phenomenon have to make us brown study. Through analysing the cause of this phenomenon, this thesis gets some experience and lesson that are worthy of being used for reference. What's more, these results has pointed out the way where Easel painting develops and offered some further possibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Painting, easel painting, cause of formation, paintability, experimental, concept
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