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"injustice," The Fashion Of The Qin And Han Society

Posted on:2008-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212487788Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Knight-errant" is considered to be the embodiment of justice in the eyes of the masses, who dole out alms in the event of other's emergency and eradicates villainies and depravities. It is the ideal image of realizing social justice and therefore triggers the masses' internal need for justice and equality. As a result, knight adoration has developed into a common phenomenon in Chinese ancient society. In the Qin and Han Dynasty, amateurish knights sprang up one after another, and the atmosphere of knight adoration and righteousness inspiration permeated the whole society. Thus, Qin and Han Dynasties are considered to be the very time overwhelming with the atmosphere of ancient amateurish knights. Influenced by this atmosphere, people from all hierarchies, royal members to the masses, are mostly self-contented by being regarded as an amateurish knight.Amateurish knights were just like a kind of "mode" at that time. It is sure to affect all levels of the system of social political and economical orders as well as its moral system negatively or positively when certain mood permeates the whole society, thus propels some changes and evolutions for the society. Meanwhile, the changing society will in turn affect this mood and cause some corresponding changes too. The society during Qin and Han Dynasty and the atmosphere of amateurish knights inspiration are such a couple of interactive contradiction. It is the changes of the political, economical and moral system in Qin and Han Dynasty that leads to the rises and downs of amateurish knights. And vice versa, the atmosphere of amateurish knights adoration in turn impacts the society deeply and exerts influences on some degree on every levels of the society, and eventually results in some changes. As a result, by probing into the mood of amateurish knight inspiration and the Qin and Han society, we would be able to tell exactly the relationship between them and have a better understanding to the relationships between the rises and downs of the amateurish knights inspiration and its political construction, economical development and the changes of its moral system in Qin and Han Dynasty. Consequently, the writer will start the research by studying the social orders to discuss the conflicts and interactions between the amateurish knights and authorities in Qin and Han Dynasty. By means of the study of their interaction, the paper reflects the evaluations made in the succeeding times to the amateurish knights. The dissertation manages to reevaluate the real role of knights in history and then reconsider the two extreme views of over-inspiration and over-derogation to "knights"...
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin and Han Dynasty, amateurish knight, atmosphere, society, impact
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