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About Several Issues Of The Tang Dynasty Residential

Posted on:2008-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous time in Chinese feudal society. It is also a period the Chinese ancient architecture developes to the top maturity.Based in the traditional custom foundation and the foreign residence custom, the residence in this period has formed a set of complete residence building systems and customs, well, it still has influenced much more to the countries in the other places or during the aftertime, so the issue is worth thoroughly studying.This paper expounds on the residence of Tang Dynasty through the following five parts.The part of introduction summarizes the present progress in the research on the residence of Tang Dynasty, introduces the main content and value of the article.The first part analyses the residence management system of Tang Dynasty and and its evolution question, This part expounds on this issue through three parts.The second part discussed the question about the source of people's residence in the Tang Dynasty.The third part analyses the issue that how to choose the place of their residence.The four part tried to get the conclusion about the effects on residence management in Tang Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:house, residence, law, influence
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