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Disraeli Interest With British Conservatism

Posted on:2007-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185958662Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Conservatism was one of the important political thoughts in Britain in 19th century. The historians at home and abroad attached importance to studying it. Domestic scholars have paid more attention to the features of British Conservatism, but very little attention to the transition in the middle of 19th British Conservatism. This thesis analyzed Disraeli's contributions in the transition in the middle of 19th British Conservatism. It made people understand the changes of the 19th British Conservatism. The thesis mainly explored Disraeli how to reform Conservatism. When Liberalism was prevalent in the 19th century of Britain, Conservatism was caught in crisis. Disraeli conformed to the historical trend of the times, overcoming magnitude of pressure to reform Conservatism. His transformation focused on public financial reform, parliament reform and social reform. At the same time he also transformed Conservative platform and diplomatic policy. Eventually his reform poured vigorous contents into old Conservatism such as: "Tory Democracy", "One nation"and "Imperialism". Disraeli became one of the leaders who brought new contents to Conservatism.The thesis contains four chapters:The first part represents a brief introduction of the development of British Conservatism in order to make people understand the whole history of it. It makes us to know that Conservatism was not conservative but adjusted itself following the development of the time. From Burke, Peel, Disraeli to Thatcher, they all made reforms on Conservatism in different aspects and made it more vigorous. The analysis of Disraeli's early political activities aims to explore the deep motion of the reforms.In second part, Disraeli initially reformed Conservatism- formulation of "Dory Democracy". After the Corn Law Repeal Bill had been passed in 1846, Unusual backward and reactionary appeared in Conservatism .The Liberals held a virtual monopoly of government for a long period. As the leader of the Conservatives, Disraeli worked hard to explore the development of his Party, but few gained in his early activities. Disraeli was forced to reform Conservatism. Through financial reform, Disraeli made his Party abandon agriculture Protection, opening the door of Free Trade. Parliamentary reform of 1867 and the Party platform reform changed the Conservatives into a national Party. These reforms are essential elements of "Tory Democracy" that...
Keywords/Search Tags:British, Conservatism, Disraeli
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