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Tang Dynasty, Wang Hai Town Study

Posted on:2007-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360182499622Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Henghai zhen is a small Fanzhen of Heshuo area. It was established in the third area of Zhenyuan. Comparing with other Fanzhens of Heshuo area. It was established very late. It had a very important geography position. It had lots of relations with other Fanzhens, especially the Fanzhen of Heshuo. Although there were several unrests happened in this Fanzhsn, It was a respectful and submissive Fanzhen. There are only a few record about it, because its scale was small. This thesis is devoted to reflect the feature of Henghai zhen completely as possible as I can, according to the information I can collect.The first part: The Henghai zhen's establishing process and magistracy change. Henghai zhen was stemed from the Henghai zhen army. The chapter is divided into two parts to introduce its change.Part one: Intrduce Cangzhou , Dezhou, Dizhou, before Henghai zhen were established . Part two:The main content is to introduce the development of Henghai zhen and the change of the scope of the areas governed by Henghai zhen ,and describe how Henghai zhen had developed to four zhous from two zhous, eventually, disappeared.The second part : the economic condition of Henghai zhen. This part is divided into agriculture handicraft, industry, transportation and city several parts to introduce. Henghai zhen had got good agriculture foundation. It was also the intensive region in population of Tang Dynasty. It was prosperous in the aspect of handicraft industry. Because Henghai zhen is closed to Bo sea, It had got the characteristic handicraft industry—salt. Henghai zhen had the leading transportation and city, too.The third part: The relation of Henghai zhen and the central government. Henghai zhen was close to central government. Its geography position is very important because it was located among the four big and strong Fanzhen. Henghai zhen is an eastern region base that the Tang Dynasty against the four big and strong Fanzhens. It took part in the war of resist Fanzhen many times. And it was the assistant of Tang Dynasty.The forth part: Henghai zhen had lots of connections with other Fanzhens. Heng hai zhen not only had close contact with Tang Dynasty, but also had inseparable contact with other Fanzhen of Heshuo area.The fifth part: The unrest of Henghai zhen. Since Fanzhen was formed, Fanzhen had close contact with unrest. Five unrests had taken place in Henghai zhen in history. Comparing with other Fanzhen of Heshuo, The unrest of Henghai zhen's scale was smaller.The sixth part: The characteristics of Henghai zhen . Although Henghai zhen was located in the area of Heshuo area ,It had the special development track. Comparing with other Fanzhens of Heshuo area, The Jiedushi of Henghai zhen changes very frequently. The central government could decide who was the Jiedushi of Henghai zhen. The great majority Jiedushi of Henghai zhen were more agreeble.
Keywords/Search Tags:HengHai zhen, Heshuofanzhen
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