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During The War Of Resistance Against Japan Wang Pingling Literary Concept

Posted on:2006-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155977661Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang pinglin is a very important right-wing writer in Chinese literature. But for many reasons, he was neglected by the world of literature and art for quite a long time. He devoted all his life to right-wing cultural movement and journalism, writing more than 50 kinds of works. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang pinlin wrote many articles on the theory of literature and art. This paper aims to explore his literature view through the following three aspects: film literature, literary creation in wartime, and movement of literature and art in wartime.The first part "film literature" introduces the characteristics of scenario, montage, and technique comparison between movies and other literature types. The second part "literary creation in wartime" generalizes Wang pinglin's idea on wartime literature. Concrete explanations have been made in the five aspects: wartime novel, reportage, moving play, movie production, and children's literature. The third part "movement of literature and art in wartime" analyze his literature work plan after introducing the rear literary movement, literary propaganda in enemy-occupied area, and criticism from the world of literature and art.Wang pinglin has a deep understanding of the three aspects above. His systematic view of wartime literature provides a lot of valuable suggestions on literary creation and literature movement. Although politics is not the source and the destination, being a member of the Kuommtang, his view of literature unavoidably bears a political tendency, which changes with the changing of his political stand. Analyzing his theoretical articles written in wartime, this paper hopes to explore his literature view during the War of Resistance Against Japan and reveal Wang pinglin's real literary and political features.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang pinglin, wartime, literature view
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