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Liang Poetry Study

Posted on:2006-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G M QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155974935Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The article studies the poems of Liang Dynasty concretely from the following aspects: A.the background of generation ;B.the reasons of development ,the change of literary conception ,typical authors and the influence on the subsequent literature. The author believes that indeed it had a great deal of proximate loving in the poems of Liang Dynasty and it had corresponding reasons. Firstly, it is related to the development of economy on the South of the River since DongJin Dynasty ,especially popular music(ballads of Nan Dynasty),which almost expressed loving, greatly affected elegant music because of flourishing business . The emperors and the upper status gradually aspected ,loved and largely created ballads. Secondly, abundant and prosperous economy in Nan Dynasty provided superior conditions of luxury and enjoyment for the upper status.Their chase of women and songs occupied an important status( mainly showed their owing singsong girls and dancing girls) .At the same time, the book of LieZi advocated the philosophy of living of "good foods,beautiful clothes,women and songs"and"do what you want to do", "tour according to your disposition ","take into account of yourself',which greatly facilitated social atmosphere.So under the influence of the two factors ,there were a lot of poems discribing of singsong girls and dancing girls or beauties.Moveover, the transformation of spirits in Six Dynasties' socialites made a base on the new changes of poems' conception.(poems came into being from feelings.)Whereas the conglomerates of empeors in Liang Dynasty,particully Liang Wudi who emphasized ,encouraged and called for literature_writting,further promoted prosperous writting of poems.On the concepts of literature which transfromed from "poems expressing asbiration "to "poems coming from feeling",poets of Liang Dynasty bravely breaked through traditional bondange,pusuited a forward lytic literature.It was brave exploration in the practice of the literature. They contributed to the development of pomes.Poets of Liang Dynasty read many poems and books, lived a leisurely life.They hadn't plentiful and profound experience or vast undulate training on the road of their lives,additionally inhabited in a luxurious society of singsong girls and dancing girls,often took part in banquets with poems, wine and singing and dancing,so infinity poems came into being which discribed singsong girls , dancing girls and beauties.These poems discibed women' action,countennce and expression .Because of these poems writed by everyone for everytime , proximate loving was very popular.Although the themes were classified into three sorts : scene_discripting,objects_reciting and women,yet the last one was the most important,which could be divided into four kinds,as following:younggirls'unreasoning passion,women' resentment to their husbands , proximate loving of discribing singsong girls,dancing girls and beauties,women'griefs abandoned.The typical authors in Liang Dynasty were Wu Jun,He Xun and Xiao Gang. Wu Jun and He Xun exceeded proximate loving poems. Xiao Gang was the represent.But Xiao Gang writed powerful poems of borders.Therefore he wasn't always good at love poems.It was of great value in studying the influence on the subsequent was involved in Chen ,Sui ,the beginging of Tang and the Northern literature ,even Han Wo' in late Tang and five Dynasties' . Hence ,the author study the clues of inheriting and conveying .which helps to reveal the status and value of poems in Liang Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:the poemsof Liang Dynasty, poems coming into being from feelings, Xiao Gang, the theme of discribing women
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