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Awareness Of The Law In The Contemporary Chinese Literary Works Studied

Posted on:2006-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H XuFull Text:PDF
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This text tries to inquiry into the legal consciousness within Chinese contemporary literature and problems of the possible detection in inquiry into process.The full text is divided into five chapters.Chapter 1 is a general introduction .1 emphasized to inquiry into the related problems with legal consciousness in Chinese contemporary literature, for example, why study, possibility and actualities of research, the meaning of the study, relevant research ,methods of research, etc.By the study and comb of these problems, we are not difficult to have a quick look at law in literature research as a field in China.According to three demarcations of stage of the Chinese contemporary literature history, I selected a work respectively in each stage, passing for the analysis that the legal consciousness in the work realize, I discovered some problems that may have widespread meaning to our society and life today, and in each selection a key problem carries on the thorough research of concentration. In the research process the of the law consciousness in Construction History, I put forward a few relevant problems of the old Liangsan's legal consciousness, but only went deep to explore the stability problem of his legal consciousness, contacting with the lawmaking concerning and research result of gains or losses and output sources of stability of the old Liangsan' s legal consciousness, put forward: The important source of the stability of his legal consciousness may be a function of thinking model, and this kind of thinking model probably become motive of the system innovation.At the Cultural Revolution literature stage, I selected Big Way of Golden Light as the analytical text originally, and give definite explanation to the reason of my choice in the beginning of chapter 3.Then, according to analyzing of the law in people's heart that work describe, we can get a basic understanding for people's legal consciousness in the work.Passing for different understanding and choices of the law in different life, it is not difficult for us to discover a series of problems.I chose political antinomy as the angle to analyze legal consciousness and contemporary Chinese constitutional government, combining Big Way of Golden Light carried on the initial study with relevant research data, put forward finally:Legal consciousness has extremely close relations with the way to solve political antinomy, and have the extremely profound influenceto the development of the contemporary Chinese constitutional government. On the new period literature stage, passing for the people' the problems on choices of law in Descendant of the River, we can understand mostly different people and their choice of law in a society ruled by man, we are not difficult to discover that benefits and understandings of benefits have become an important motive driving the people to carry on their law choice , we must draw up good laws to guide people for carrying on the ideal choice of law if we want an ideal country under the rule of law and enble laws to get widespread obeying. It corroborated Aristotle's classic definition concerning rule of law.But, in fact,we can't find what is obvious good or bad among people's different law choices, there is not an ideal law choice model in the real life.Combining the actuality life, I put forward finally: Laws want to special attention for coordinating benefits of the majority and a handful of people , and laws would lead the people to know that laws represent the benefits of we all.At last , I give some analysis and elucidation to limitations of the text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Legal consciousness, Literature, Rule of law, Benefits
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