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On The Subjectivity Of People

Posted on:2006-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155961758Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 21th Century , human and subjectivity is a cared question . Study- ing human and subjectivity not only enrich Marxist Philosophy but also develop Marxist Philosophy consciously.Thinkers and philosophers in different time had explored human being and subjectivity. Generally , materialism and idealism studied subjectivity before Marxism . What's more, they had effect on idea objectively .Marx criticized and inherited scientifically parts of subjectivity on a point of era . Then he put forward a different subjectivity theory . He looked on practice and living man as the basis of subjectivity . So he realized a transformation of philosophy theme , from the principle of object to the principle of subject . Finally Marx set a new point of view himself . His subject and subjectivity theory have revolutionary, profound and grand meaning . View of reforming world distinguish Marxism from old philosophy.At the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , the Party put forward "hold to humanism , build up all-around, harmonious and sustainable view of development , and hasten all-around development on economy society and human ." It is the first time to use a new concept of humanism in a formal document of Party . Humanism base on subjectivity theory of Marxism and it coincide with people's subjectivity thinking of Mao-Zedong , theory of Deng-Xiaoping and "Three Represents" theory of Jiang-Zemin . On one hand , human-based view of scientific development enrich and develop theview of development of Marxism . On the other hand , it deepen Historical Materialism and Dialectic Materialism of Marxism . In the new period of history , a new collective leading by Hu-Jintao is carrying out humanism all fields in socialism modernization .
Keywords/Search Tags:subject, subjectivity, humanism
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