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The Course Of Development Of Western Painting Space Awareness

Posted on:2006-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155451996Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory about space in painting is an important subject. In the background of different cultures, people have different ideas about how to think and deal with the subject. The anther want to stand in the background of western culture which originated from the tradition of Naturalism of Ancient Greece to write the article. In the field of nature science, the Geometry origined from Ancient Greece had dominated the space research for several centuries until Einstein issured the Theory of Relativity that revolutionary changed the trandition ideas, and the subject among the art, nature science and phglosorpher are directly related. It expresses the psychology vision feeling of the three-dimensional space in the two-dimensional space to arouse the counterpart experience in reality in order to acquire aestheticism in the space of painting. In western painting it came from the primitive society when a few space factors appeared in the mural paintings sketched out by single line, the Greek bottle picture with the simple perspectivity, the Rome mural painting in which the perspectivity was originated, the Middle Ages when the perspectivity develop relatively slowly, the Renaissauce when the perspectivity highly developed, the Post Impressionism when Cezanne reformed the structure of space subjectively and orderly to open the gate of Modern Art, the 21 Century when the space was des-constructed and the idea of space developed pluratislically, at last the beginning of Actionism , to reach the end of the development of the space in painting, so to achieve the return from the three-dimensional illusion to the reality.The article has two piece of writing clue: one is the history of western painting development, the other is the relative conclusion researched in philosophy, physics and vision psychology. The author detailed and analysed many historical facts and quote many experiment materials to establish the track of the development of space consciousness, also dose the author want to hold the personal idea about the topic in this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:space, vision and thinking, entity and hollow, perspective, reert
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