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On The Creation Of Roald Dahl's Fantasy Literature

Posted on:2006-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152481450Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Roald Dahl is a first-rank fantasy author in the world. This thesis aims atexploring the psychological world of Roald Dahl's works from the point of thecharacteristics and functions of fantasy as a literary genre. Dahl's works areregarded as "child-friendly", viewing the world through the unclouded eye of achild, what Dahl created is a two-dimensional world of absolute good versusconsummate evil. Starting with the main themes and characters of Dahl's works,this thesis also discusses the negative portrayal of adults, namely the subversionof authoritarian figures in Dahl's works, and the heart-felt "love"implied underDahl's subversive tone, as well as the recreation of adult models, esp. somememorable paternal adult figures, who are usually neglected by critics.Unavoidably, this thesis talks about heat discussions Roald Dahl's fantasies haveraised in public because of too much description of violence, revenge, greed, andcruelty, but more emphasis is put on the positive features of Dahl's works andthe reasons why these fantasies have been so popular among young readers. Asfar as literary features are concerned, Dahl's fantasies are more virile andreader-oriented compared with other children's works, showing the author'slively imagination and strong sense of humor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Roald Dahl fantasy, children reader, authoritarian figure, adult model
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