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Côte D'ivoire Modern Model Study

Posted on:2005-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360122993865Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire gained independence during the tide of national liberation movement in Africa after World War II. Since then, it has faced the arduous task of how to develop national economy and realize modernization. On its way to modernization, neither has it copied the western model, nor has it adopted the road that was once used by some newly developing countries. Having reviewed its history and reality, Cote d'lvoire government has chosen the road to realize modernization by developing agriculture. The features of this kind of agricultural modernization are as follows: agriculture is seen as foundation; machining and exporting are used as means; agriculture resources are used fully; national income is increased by the exports of multiple agricultural products. Among these features, agriculture's development and agricultural products' machining are the most important.This dissertation describes how Cote d'lvoire made progress in industry, traffic, and foreign trade by exporting its primary products; on the reverse, those prompted the development of agriculture at the same time, and consequently realized the developing balance between agriculture and industry.The whole dissertation is divided into three parts. In the foreword, the main content is the brief introduction on how Cote d'lvoire depended its nature resource in developing its agriculture, then impelled industry and realized modernization. What's more, this part also introduces the importance of studying this country's agriculture modernization and the research at present on this problem.The main text includes four parts. Part one not only describes Cote d'lvoire's social and economical status before its independence, but also states the following contents, for example, how Cote d'lvoire became French colony and gained independence by struggling. Cote d'lvoire's "Dualistic Agriculture" coming into being is the keystone of this part. The Dualistic Agriculture, which was introduced into Cote d'lvoire in late colony period, destroyed the traditional single autarky crop in this country and introduced many commercial crops that were aimed to the international market. This kind of economics established the basement for Cote d'lvoire's agriculture modernization after its independence.Part two describes how Cote d'lvoire chose the way of agriculture modernization and measures taken for developing its agriculture. After independence, Cote d'lvoire government analyzed the basic situation of country and historical traditions, then chose the mode using agriculture to promote modernization. In order to accelerateagriculture's development and make agriculture as its motivity for the modernization, the Cote d'Ivoire government tried hers best to diversify its agriculture products and expand export markets and make use of economic policy to impel its agriculture. It also set up many political and human power systems to ensure expanding its agriculture exports. In addition, the state invested on agriculture, developed agriculture sciences, cured plant diseases and insect pests, spread fine crops to modernize agriculture, which were the requests to instantly use agriculture as the impeller to realize modernization and to completely realize Cote D'Ivoire's modernization.The third part describes Cote d'Ivoire's full development in modernization. In this part, a particular description on the mutual relations among agriculture and its contribution to the whole national economics is made. In the meanwhile, the connections on agriculture to industry's development, to the basic establishment perfection, to the mold of national bourgeoisies who have spirit of capitalism are analyzed in detail. It argues that the development of modernization is not singly directed, but multidirectional.The fourth part analyzes Cote d'lvoire's modernizing mode and what it has brought to us. Agriculture modernization, which was chosen by Cote d'lvoire government, was a relatively successful mode to realize its modernization; it was based on the situation of a country and...
Keywords/Search Tags:D', ivoire
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