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On The Use Of Light In Oil Painting And Performance

Posted on:2005-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Oil painting which makes much amount of studying and representing the nature thinks especially highly of use and expression of light. It reflects that the western art values scientific research and rational spirit. As are seen in the oil paintings of all ages, oil painting is a form of art stressing expression of light, the representation and the non-representation lay particular different emphasis on use and expression of light, which reflects different aesthetic standards. In the course of creating oil painting ,light is not only main means of representing objective world ,but also becomes a visual symbol which organizes the appearance of a picture and expresses subjective emotions. So artistic charm of oil painting has direct connection with use and expression of light and as an important plastic element, light has noteworthy effects on style and form of oil painting. Discussing some typical manners of light expression, relations of light and other aesthetic elements, and aesthetic meanings of light in oil painting, the article is to search for features and lows of light display and to reveal the inherent characteristics of oil painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:oil painting, light, use, expression
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