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A Brief Discussion On The Ma Xiangbo Patriotic Ideas And Practices

Posted on:2001-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360122966532Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ma xiangbo was a famous patriot in modern China. He devoted his whole life to Chinese people. His patriotic idea was complex and varied because of catholic relief.Ma Xiangbo was born in a Confucian family whose members were catholic. In early years, he not only received the traditional education, but also received the western education-mainly in theology. That background did him good to initiate school and engage in civil and diplomatic work. In 1862, Ma Xiangbo joined the Society of Jesus. He did that for three reasons: first, he was affected by his family; second, he was moved by the doctrine of catholic; third, he hoped that doing like that should help him introduce some western knowledge to China. Opposite to his wishes, Ma Xiangbo felt the sense of national pride injured constantly in the catholic society, hence he withdrew with no hesitation from the catholic church, to joined the new political movement for China's progress.In the western affairs movement, Ma Xiangbo applied his western knowledge to industrialization and modernization of China. He went in for many great facilities, for instance, he reorganized machinery bureau in Shandong, investigated minerals, raised funds from America, initiated bank etc., His suggestion that Jiulong city must be a commercial port was strategic insight. Compared to other persons, Ma Xiangbo was more open and revolutionary in the western affairs movement. Knowing of the West made him understand the world and deeply think of the national interest. After failure of western affairs movement, MaXiangbo looked for another way to save China.In the early years of 20th century, Ma Xiangbo had an idea that only education can save China, hence he sold his property to build Zhengdan college and Fudan school. Ma xiangbo thought that science was the first method for China to save itself, so the primary principle of college and school was to uphold science. He knew about not only the traditional knowledge but also the western knowledge. Ma Xiangbo had new method in teaching and managing, he taught students in accordance with their aptitude, he incorporated things of diver nature in academic sphere. He thought students could manage themselves. In order to fit in with the needs of saving China, Ma Xiangbo emphasized the speech exercise and military exercise of students. He deemed that learning western knowledge was important, meanwhile learning Chinese knowledge was important, too. He criticized social tendencies that western scholarship was flattered, but Chinese scholarship was depreciated. The purpose of MaXiangbo building school was to save China, so many students graduated from Zhengdan college and Fudan school had independent and patriotic spirit.When "northeast incident" taking place, Ma Xiangbo was very old, but he still actively joined the anti-Japanese movement. In face of the policy of concession made by Kuomindang government, Ma Xiangbo firmly held the view of fighting against Japan, and insisted that China must take back the territory that she lost. For the purpose of fighting against Japan, he suggested: on the one hand China must stop civil war, all Chinese should unite to resist aggression; on the other hand, democratic politics must be put into practice in China. Until the last time of his life, he still thought of resisting Japanese invaders.
Keywords/Search Tags:Discussion
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