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Six Dynasties Literature Still "korea" Tendency

Posted on:2004-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J QiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092981661Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the evolving process of Chinese ancient literature, literary artistic forms of expression broke away from rather simple and unsophisticated form before Qin dynasty and became more and more striving to magnificent and fine. During the era of Six Dynasties, the literature displayed the aesthetic trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" and that expressed aesthetic property of the literature itself incisively and vividly. Nevertheless, the trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the Six Dynasties wasn't produced abruptly at the moment. There was a profound and lasting historical origin of that. The thesis, basing itself the tracing back to and the combing of historical origin of the aesthetic trend, starts with probing into the meaning of "rhetorically beautiful" in ancient books and records of pre-Qin dynasty and studies how "rhetorically beautiful" came into the aesthetical region and then gradually developed its aesthetical connotation. According to that, combining emphatically with Dafu of Han dynasty, lyric Xiaofu of Eastern Han dynasty, the literary creation of Jian'an scholars and the practice of literary creation in the Southern Dynasties, the thesis studies the evolvement of the meaning of "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties from point of view of Chinese literary history. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the social reason and the theoretical grounds of the aesthetic trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties and then points out the important influence of the literary aesthetic trend to the Chinese literature, especially to the literature of Tang dynasty. The whole paper is divided into three parts:In the first part, the thesis traces to the source of "rhetorically beautiful" at the beginning and analyzes the usage and the specific aesthetic connotation of "rhetorically beautiful" in ancient books and records of pre-Qin dynasty and then reveals the aesthetical origin of the trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the Six Dynasties. This part makes clear that the original meaning of "rhetorically beautiful" is magnificent, beautiful, two and even. On the basis of it, the thesis analyzes the achievement of the literary circles of Han dynasty (it included Dafu, lyric Xiaofu and five-character-poem) and that of Jian'an era from two aspects, significant expression and antithesis the literaryworks pursued. Then the thesis points out that those achievements of artistic form laid a sound foundation for the emerging of the aesthetic trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties.The second part analyzes emphatically rich manifestation of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the Six Dynasties. During the Taikang time, though the literary form experienced marked change, the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" ran through all the times. This part, according to the special manifestation of the development of the literature of different times, sums up the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties: "frivolously beautiful" and "over-elaborate" of Western Jin dynasty, "beautiful" and "plump" contained in simple and prosaic of Tao Yuanming."antithetically beautiful" and "splendid" of Song and Qi times, "new change" and "smoothly beautiful" after Yongming era, "unrestrained" and "excessively beautiful" of Liang and Chen times and overall antithesis of beautiful articles.The third part analyzes emphatically the social and theoretical grounds of the emerging of the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties. The development of literature is influenced by a good deal of factors. The literature of Six Dynasties attached the importance to the beauty of the expressive form. On the one hand, it was the natural trend of the development of the literature of pre-Qin times and two Han dynasties, it was the inevitable reflection of the developing rul...
Keywords/Search Tags:the Six Dynasties, rhetorically, beautiful, embellishment, antithesis, tone
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