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Explore The Implication, In The "form"

Posted on:2004-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J ZhengFull Text:PDF
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In the Chinese paintings,the importance and independence of nature have been proved in various respects. It is the first step to learn the Chinese landscape for you to understand and experience nature. It's the purpose of sketching to find the meaning that the shape and feeling,flowing in the object,are reflected by the painter's demand and the embodiment is satisfied.In addition,there are two types of works where nature is converted into artistic works;one is 'sketching the fact as the first style' where the former nature is preserved as it was even after nature is changed to works and the other is 'sketching poetic will as the 2nd style.' There is reviewed the meaning and necessity of sketching through the two types.How could the organic relation between human being and nature be accomplished in the Oriental paintings? When comparing the Eastern consciousness of the nature with the Western one,the features of the Oriental sketching would be clearly grasped.It would be an upright attitude of sketching to study the relation among composition,figuration,grading,space and the atmosphere,which are the source of the most touching life,and the methods and procedures of sketching,thereby promoting formation of creative dignity and developing it. Furthermore,it would be the driving force to make the art free and even richer.
Keywords/Search Tags:", form",
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