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Chuang Tzu Aesthetic Thinking

Posted on:2003-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhuangzi aesthetics is a life aesthetics, which is the aesthetics directing to life and ultimate eating the individual life, based on Zhuangzi's phylosophy. Its features is to design the dwelling place of human spirit in an aesthetics thinking mode and to find a way to the beautiful spiritual home for the individual life.Zhuangzi inherited and developed laozi's"Dao"and value of life aesthetics phylosophy. He regarded "Dao"as the origin of life,the signiticance and value of life derives trem "Dao" and is fit for the properties of "Dao" . But "Dao" is lost in the present life significance and the selection of life value.Thus there is full of misery in life and people can't arrive at the aesthetics state. In zhuangzi's mind, individual life should first chang the criterion of the present life value. There should be no block between ife and eath,and no ordly misery. It has surpassed the wordly harrassment and life has arrived at an aesthetics dwelling place, "Dao" state. In the "Dao" state, the individual life can gain the significance and value of life. Life can be an aesthetic life and happy one.
Keywords/Search Tags:life aesthetic,"Dao"state,ultimate seeking, Reestimation of value,The sam Dao in life and death, natural and freely
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