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War Period The Communist Party Of China Political Relations Idea And Practice

Posted on:2003-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360062490871Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
he Chinese Kuo一 ogthd ih theConnnumst po ofCthaand amukitllQe of dddle paules has onnt a tn呷lar political poem.As a matterof fat,ss taDgle is parenly nom iso地ies or dM two.Kuoois the!ogh line in ss tiede and the!me that mpresend theoll'les-volnmodstParty of China is bbiOUSy shorter than tha of*ther KUo一 aullesa''le tilnA eline po liteoulslllddle paules is also shorter than tha of*ther Chinese WParty It is jUSt he three lnes that collstn.---ed he min forceS in e Nb;tlollalAm-Jisl,allese Uied Frn nd!ed to!he ltimate success of AnijaDallese WrIlbwevel= the relalio'ls reen he three forces are udy compli响 wltll iison'6a。n or even hoe!m 吧 q恤.皿S-iMChine既 Connnimst PW asthe minM d histw 08iM Msulnlntw hese compliCated eiallo'ls from he de of he CcP's COnN andP侧ce on politeal psfUsan relallolls. TIs y is daded do four pos nh part one colnmentmp on he CCP'sPrilnibo COllCeDtloll aDd Prte Of oiiod Prtsan reatiolls n he w呐… h ~ War he一nn ws diSInelnfor讪 heaSPeCts as e oiM bss of esan COOWn, he fonns Of Posan llMnd he political e删 ofdi~.sso in Ms po an wysls w山 poothe '6一…」6s p一 Mon.n《M/6Prellllllllary 一 IemPbasised on he ~ in ~ hesecollceDtlo'1- M'1s a qn叨 f6SI)O--s竹一…一 ptosto he CCP七…e p.!frstbentn he clash nd p n he一 Of odcal his.a p iew he p oeds for We wilei clasll is me tmt ror coers ana de.,!uescnl)o i qmat or血 reat'ps q he three bodies Inelha一 by fol呐 a iwt一比.一d…-8一一山we一W伽O's po协 co一师san'ons was-. Pat恤*s讪 CcP's coUllter-tO一一s dly thehOUghts datrilllelltal to ight e Jdl,allese and Ptlmllt OfdellmcracY My colnmotwere ondud in e three po of destruw collstrtlololl and COpsha Ofdifferat hOUhs and CCP's undtw of ndddle phes wllllllDg over KnoW andsafpd吨叨血 Uieht.n阴地油价8呷则SeIYIDoQyS4y'lal'1ll PrOCePrOCe田 O【"cowibolelnwtll,mo~Llul-alcouwt二 also a Wli脑 Process of"conopioll.lboul,atucmLtvn'二 if mdlat0n is po as a process of co卿lon.BM on the above studX the Amal part Of ss p啊 sunnnM he fhares ofCCP"s collcel)tlon and Practice on ptsall rula:nolls andAs edightelha. hh he stud of the ahoyl hope to pIDide w's TesearC协' soeMle eements in whateV pos whch p be helpful to e prob's nil.allife....
Keywords/Search Tags:Communist
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