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Conflict And Transmutation

Posted on:2002-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032954958Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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As the first argument which x'-as haPpened in Chinese new nd circle, thecontroversy between the Creation Society and the Studying Literature Society hasbeen pain close attention by scholars. But they have not shared something incommon on how to evaluate these txvo Iiterature organizations. The main reasonwhy the former researcher had not made a breakthrough was that there were manyproblems. To the firsthand information they gave too few systematization andanalysis; to the inevitability of this argue, they had not throw any 1ight; and to thetransition of both sides' ideology and sentiment; their research hadn't alwaysconformed to historical reality.When our culture development xvent into the changing direction epoch, thiscontroversy embodied the concrete cultul'al and 1itera1 fOca1 problems Wth drasticforms. On the other hand, it caused 11lore ideological change within 1onger time,So, the studying about this contro\'ersy signified not only the returning to theoriginal condition of it, but also the understanding of the historical thread. Fromthis two dimension, this paper researched the controversy between the CreationSociety and the Studying Literature Society again.This paper's main body was divided into two parts:In the first part, we mainly examined and explained the reasons and thecontent of this controversy.The first reason lied in the resent that the Creation Society felt to the literalConstructure means which was cherished by the new youth Society and theStudying Literature Society. The internal literary world, however, gave the coldshou1der to the Creation SocietyThe second reason lied in the different literature construct theory Which wascherished by the two society. The diftbrent theory were embodied in two elements:creation al1d trans1ation.The Studying Literature Society's theory was inseparably associated withnowadays. They endeavoured to ans\ver the concrete questions. But the CreationSociety's theory was belong to the J\lt1ll.e and en2bodied more literature's naturalcharacters.In this paYt, our conclusion was stood on originaI materials. This materialsincIuded the two society's publication of many kinds, the member's compiles, thepublic opinion which were ignored by fOrmer researchers, and many privateletters, diary and so in. So the conclusion was accorded to historical reality. Andthe reasons that arised this controversy was stemmed from deep psychology.Though some intentions were not nob1e, to a certain extent, this studydemonstrated the complicated path of the vanguard to construct the Chinese 20thcentury literature at the beginning of that century.In the second part, we mainly summed up the result of this controversy and ithistoric experience.Beginning from careful depiction of the change of the thought and feeling inboth side, in and after the controversy this paper poillted ollt that the opposedviews did not converge. On the controversy the conc1usion Which was get by thekind researchers didn't conform to the historical reality In fact, the hostilitybetween the Creation Society and the Studying Literature Society became moreand more violent, their literature ideology went to extremes, and each of themwanted to deny the other one.Facing the reality means revaluing the historic experiences and lessons. Thispaper hold that special attention should been paid on this respects: the attitudetowards controversy; complication a11d Passion Which was showed when theparticipaflts explained their argument, and the influences some negative elementslied in both sides.These limits formed many "focused of infection" of 20ll1 century history ofChinese literature arguments of Chinese ]itel.ature ideology, of Chinese 1iteraturemess organizations and schools. Many later argumellts and theory change inChinese new literature could find sources f1oln there.Nowadays, the art circle has emerged and wll emerge more and morecontroversy So, it also has pr...
Keywords/Search Tags:the Creation Society, the Studying Literature Society, the controversy
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