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The assimilation of the shishosetsu by China's Creation Society

Posted on:2001-06-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Keaveney, Christopher TFull Text:PDF
The purpose of my research is to examine the manner in which the self-referential fiction of the Chinese literary coterie known as the Creation Society reflects their reading and adaptation of the Japanese shishosetsu, a form which flourished during the Taisho Period (1912--1926). The Creation Society occupied a position of considerable influence in May Fourth literature and was responsible in part for establishing the fashion for the confessional in Chinese literature in the 1920s.; My dissertation will first delineate the salient features of both the shishosetsu, and the ostensibly autobiographical fiction of the Creation Society. I will then consider the Creation Society's self-referential fiction in the context of the popularity of the personal narrative and the general tendency toward confessionality among Chinese writers of the May Fourth period. I will also locate precedents in traditional Chinese fiction for explicitly confessional literature.; Moreover, my dissertation will also pursue theoretical questions pertaining to autobiographical writing and the ways in which both the shishosetsu , and the Creation Society's fiction were perceived to function as autobiography by contemporary readers. Specifically, I will examine the dependency of such narratives on the faith in the authenticity of this approach among a small literary community who constituted a complicit, participatory audience of "insiders."; In conclusion, I will examine the legacy of the shishosetsu in Chinese fiction: its role in promoting the confessional nature of Chinese fiction during the 1920s and, despite a gradual loss of prestige in the Chinese literary world, its continued appeal in Chinese literature in the Maoist era and its revival among China's "New Era" writers in the 1980s.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, Creation society, Shishosetsu, Fiction, Literature
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