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Where Is The Homeland Of The Soul

Posted on:2002-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032954394Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In both Xiao Hong's heart and writings, there are two worlds: dark, cold, fated realworld and warm, clean, free ideal state; Alternate use of child's visual angle and adult'svisual angle fills Xiao Hong's writings with abundant meanings, intriguing flexibilityand tension. Kinds of reverse sides dissolve perfectly in a complete atmosphere madeby Xiao Hong. Starting from many contradictions which exist peacefully in Xiao Hongphenomenon, combined with Xiao Hong's life experience, the author of this thesis triesto make a complete explanation and understanding of Xiao Hong's version andmentality.There are three parts in this thesis altogether.Chapter One. Reality and ideal: Xiao Hong's spiritual and psychological space.In XiaoHong's works, actual world is a breeding ground of evils. There is hunger,hardship, tiredness and groans everywhere. People can't master their own fate, but beslaved as animals. From birth to death, the figures of different periods reveal the painfullife of people in low society.Compared with actual life, the ideal world in Xiao Hong's writings showsdifferently. This world is full of warm sunshine and humanity love.In Xiao Hong's works, natural world takes completely different looks in actualworld and ideal world. Two dissimilar styles of nature describing indicate that XiaoHong is longing to escape from actual pains, and wants to return to natural world..3.Chapter Two Ignorance and Penetration: Double narrative intonations in theversion.Narrator has double statuses in Xiao Hong抯 works:Child抯 visual angle. Standing distantly, the author makes narrator 揑?lead readersinto many beautiful recalls.Adult抯 visual angle: Xiao Hong mostly used the adult抯 view of third person in thewhole text. Between the author and narrator, there is an inseparable connection.In addition, the views of child and adult indicate Xiao Hong抯 rich feelings toactual world and ingenious master of the text from many aspects.揑?am inquisitive and ignorant in child抯 visual angle. The ugliness and desolationof the adult抯 world makes a strong comparation with child抯 clean and calm sight.But there are serious thoughts, sober penetration and profound description inadult抯 visual angle. As the follows:Merciless analysis of ignorant and narrow-minded nation personality.Profound sympathy with women抯 destiny.Suspicion and resistance to human destiny, inquiries and introspection about life抯final significance.Profound description of figures inner heart.Child抯 visual angle and adult抯 visual angle are used alternately. This gives theworks marvelous artistic tension, which depends on a total atmosphere. The building ofthe atmosphere has a close connection with Xiao Hong抯 talent writing skills. They are:to write novels in a prose wayto use language freelyto handle the relation of time and space skilfullyChapter Three Exile and return: trace back for artistic sourceOnly when writer connects his own feelings with actual life experience can hisworks move readers and influence the society. So, let抯 trace back to Xiao Hong抯Childhood and rough life road, for her artistic source.Grandfather, hometown and childhood are all the source of Xiao Hong抯 spiritualpersonality.Painful experience is the motive force of Xiao Hong抯 artistic creation.As a woman, Xiao Hong suffered greatly from the unfairness to women. So sheshows strong female sense in her works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Homeland
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