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Philosophy And Justice - Plato And Zhu Xi,

Posted on:2002-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032456752Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The comparison of Zhu Xi and Pato is to compare the Chinese philosophy with the western philosophy. So that we can know the characteristic of the Chinese philosophy, the past and the future of the Chinese culture, which is the motive of this thesis.The systems of Zhu Xi and Pato抯 philosophy are very large, so I only choose their core concept 揟ian Li?and 揺idos?in their philosophies to canipare them simply in the two aspects: ontology and epistemology. I think the comparison can make the complex contents become simple, make the main points prominent and discover the differences between the Chinese and the western philosophy and culture.By the comparison in ontology and epistemology, I think the effluences of Zhu Xi and Pato抯 philosophy to the Chinese and the western culture are following three aspects:Firstly, in the aesthetics, Pato?s eidos makes the western aesthetics mainly a objective knowledge, and takes beauty as an objective object. However, Zhu Xi抯 揟ian Li?makes the Chinese aesthetics mainly a presentation of subjective experence, and takes beauty as subjective experience.Secondly, in the ethics, there is 揼ood?in both 揟ian Li?and 揺idos? In the latter one, 揼ood?is taken as knowledge, which canlead to science by the logical method. In the former one, 揼ood?is looked as a moral conscience, which only can be experienced, standing aloof from science. What抯 more, plato paid more attention to the indivivuaL the type and the level of eidos, he indivivual and the group are stressed in the western ethics. However, Zhu Xi covered 揥an Li?by 揧i Li?, which makes the indivivual and the group melted by family relations in the ancient Chinese ethics.Thirdly, in the science and techology, the 駈portant part of this thesis. Pato?s eidos thesis stressing on logic and knowledge, takes an advantageous part in the western Science and technology in modern times. Zhu Xi抯 thesis of 揟ian Li?stressing on the direct observation and the power of insight takes a disadvantageous part in the Chinese science and technology after Song and Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Philosophy
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