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Back To The Existence Of The Source

Posted on:2002-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032454965Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Every age has its own philosophy and phi1osophers.20,, century is aage in which western philosophy has brought about historica1 turning.Without question,Heidegger is one of the most greatest philosopher inmodern phi1osophy in 20th century,having the fame of "the secret king ofthought" .His philosophy has thoroughly transcended the thinking modeof traditional metaPhysics,and profOundly exerted on the developmentaltide of modern philosophy,and greatly extended the thinking space ofwestern phi1osophy .Hence any study of western phi1osophy can't avoidthe challenge of Heidegger's phi1osophy .At present,our nation's study ofHeidegger's phi1osophy is on1y in the initial period .Thought there aremany theses pub1ished every year,many of them are borderline andscattered theses .On the basis of the predecessors' products and thecareful study Heidegger's basic writings,I go deep into Heidegger's kingof thought,trying first1y to take his phenomenology method as thelongitude and the mutual beIongingness connection between Being andDasein as the 1atitude,striving to give the exact explanation ofHeidegger's philosophy,in order to rich our nation's study of Heidegger's.philosophy.This thesis is mainly composed of fOur parts:The first part mainly discusses Heidegger's phenomenology .Hisphenomenology, as his basic method of thinking fOr life,is very differentfrom Husserl's .By his phenomenology,he made inquiry about the.meaning of Being again,interpreting Being as unconcea1ed orclearing .Hence,in a certain sense,phenomenology is equal toontology .Heidegger's phenomeno1ogy is composed of three basic1inks:reduction,conduction,and destruction,which in this thesiscorrespond respectively to the fO1lowing three parts.The second part mainly discusses the concept of the understanding ofBeing .The understanding of Being is a primitive fact disclosed by3phenomenological reduction,which is a decisive beginning ofHeidegger's phiIosophy .The understanding of Being is not only theessence of Dasein,but a1so the revea1ing place of Being .So thephenomenological meaning of the understanding of Being lies indisclosing the mutua1 belongingness connection between Being andDasein.The three part main1y discusses the mutual belongingness connectionbetween Being and Dasein,Which is the task of phenomeno1ogica1construction .In Heidegger's view,the mutuaI belongingness connectionbetween Being and Dasein is composed of three dimensions:world. timeand language .Because world \ time and language,on the one hand,arethe revea1ing mode of Being,on the other,are the basic structure ofDasein .Being and Dasein go into integral connection through world \time and Ianguage.The fOur part mainly discusses the nonessentiaI connection,which isthe task of phenomenologica1 destruction .The nonessential connection isthe indispensable content of the essentia1 connection,and the essentialconnection inc1udes inevitably the nonesseniial connection.phenomenologica1 destruction of the nonessential connection is a criticaland negative work .this part analysis three nonessentia1 fOrms: They \Subject and Technical-human,which is the practical signification ofHeidegger's thinking of Being.Through the above discourses,I consider "returning" is thefundamenta1 feature of Heidegeer's philosophy .In his opinion,the truethinking carries out the step of returning .only returning the source ofBeing,we can overcome the forgetfu1ness history of Being of traditiona1metaphysics,and the historicaI destine of "no-home--to-living" which wasbrought about by traditional metaphysics,and obtain the sense of"at-home" and the existence foundation again.
Keywords/Search Tags:Being Dasein Belongingness phenomenology Metaphysics
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