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On The Construction Of Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture

Posted on:2002-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032451907Subject:Scientific socialism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the transition of the society great changes have been taking placein the POlitical, economic and cultUral life in contemporary China. ItS exhibition inthe field of cultur life is the rising and the prosPerous deVelopment of the masscultUre. Mass cultUre is increasingly becoming a ldnd of spectacular culturalPhenomenon and itS funtion in social life is gening nohceable. In fac, it takes avery importan POsition in the culed system in our country We mp say thagreater needs fOr mass cultUre by the WhOle society will be seen along with thedeepening of the opening-uP, the development of market economy, the theiWvement of cultwl quality of the mass and the increase of free hours. But, wecan not be bias towards any cultUral phenomenon. A dialectical vieWPoint requlresus to observe not only the positive bat also the negative asPeCts of the phenomenon.As sPecific to the mass cultur in contemPorary China, What we observed shouldbe not only its active roles in clearing uP the "ultraleft" ideology and fosteringmodem personality but also its negative influence as affecting the mainStramcultUre and leadng to the edging of the elite cultUre. Therefore, a careful StUdy ofthe historical developmeni of mass cultUre in contemPorary China and an analysisof its positive and negative fimtions so as to modify its development in areasonable Way for the pUrpOses of servng for the conStrution of the socialistspiritual civilization and of the socialist modemiZaion in a better way become one''imPOrtat present topic in the socialist cultural constation. Based on the abovethought, I wrote this paper.ttis paPer is divided into four partS. Caring about the importan fimction ofWest mass cultUre tO tha of China, I, in the first part, pUt an analysis on thediversified understandings of mass cultUre by some westem schOlars and thediscussions of the sam topic by Chinse scholars since the 90s. I also tried todefine the mass cultur in contemPorary China and divided the mass cultUre, fromits embryO to maturity into three Stags.In part twO, I firstly analyzed the social basis for the birth and develoPrnen ofmass cultw in contemPorny China with a conclusion tha the mass culthe wasbom and developed qulckly in the Process of conformity of social elements dsthe oPeulng-uP in China. In the next, I generalized the essential charaCteristics ofthe mass cultUre in contemPorary China on the basis of the life praCice of themass.In part three, I ootlined the active roles of mass cultUfC in the construction ofthe socialist moddriZation at first, this is based on the historical stages tha CIhais now at. Then, I liStCd the negative asPects of its fimtion. The discussion here ismainly conduted on two aspectS: one is the influence on the cond anddirections of mass cultur frOm its connoted ideology, sense of value and lifeattitUdes. The other is the esseniial contrary between the socialist mainStreaxncultUre and the conunerciality woridliness and recreationality of mass cultUre.The fOurth part deals mainly with how tO build the mass cultUre with ChinesecHstics. An analysis was firstly given tO the mass cultur in comemPOrarysocialist cultural SystCm. I proposed tha the mass culture corttion muSt bealWays beneficial tO the coordinated developments of both material and sPiritualciviliZation. Finally, I specilically probed several questions in pushing theconStfUChon of mass culthe in conteInPOrary Chin4 arnong which are adhrence tOthe directing of scientific theory sching uP a correct view on culbe, adhring tOthe principle of blaZng new trails comPrehensively; strengthening of culturalmarket managemeni and respect of the law to develop mass cultUIC; doing good insome of the imPortan relations in the process of mass culthe development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction
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