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Archetypal Criticism Practice And Development In China

Posted on:2011-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330338975000Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Archetypal criticism is one of most influential western criticism genre in the 20th century.It puts Psychoanalysis and Cultural anthropology together, Rene Wellek called it"The only real international Literary criticism genre".Since the 1980s archetypal criticism was introduced into China systematically, the process of its coming into china is a process of contemporary Chinese enculturation and its transmutation.We found that the"prototype"is a kind of cultural unconscious , it could link up all times and in all over the world. This thesis is aimed to systematically comb the connotation and methods of archetypal criticism, especially on the practice and development of archetypal criticism in China. Analysis internal logic of why Archetypal criticism has been developing in China.This thesis will be divided into four parts to introduce the practice and development of archetypal criticism in China.Part1:introduction. Firstly introduces concept of archetypal criticism, grasps the essence of theory.Part2: the internal logic of localization. The course on sinicization of archetypal criticism is also the course on Chinese academic practice in Chinese culture. The archetypal criticism's charm is not only from its theories, but also that it could fit Chinese language habits and theoretical contexts.Part3: The spread and practice of archetypal criticism, introduces theory and practice of archetypal criticism, combining characteristics of Chinese culture, explores reasons of development and chenge in China.Part4: Describes the development trend. China's archetypal criticism is not Carl Gustav Jung or Northrop Frye's archetypal criticism, but with unique Chinese characteristics, fusion era characteristics and And the global culture characteristics. This thesis proposed that archetypal criticism should combined with other theories such as Chinese ancient imagery theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archetypal criticism, practice, development
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