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Chinese Idiom Of The Translation First Test

Posted on:2012-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Pamela Spaggiari P M LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335972050Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research through the definition of chengyu, the origin of chengyu, the use of chengyu, the classification system, the importance of chengyu in the Chinese language, history and development and other aspects, will expound the author's understanding of chengyu. Moreover the translation of chengyu into Italian will express the effect of chengyu on the international literature development.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter contains the preface; expounding upon the reason, the significance and the value of this research.The second chapter compares the Chinese and the Italian idioms. The author compares the idioms that are mostly used in the Chinese and the Italian language.The third chapter provides the definition of chengyu and explains its importance.The fourth chapter analyses the classification of chengyu. There many different ways to classify chengyu, given the variances in its usage, character and content. Chengyu can be classified according to the number of Chinese characters, the origin and the pinyin initial letter, the content as well as the relation of meaning. Categoric classification will help students use chengyu more easily.The fifth chapter provides the translation of certain chengyu into Italian and examples of their usage. This is the core of the author's research. In Italian common sayings and slang expressions are mostly used; they have similarities with chengyu, but they are not the same as chengyu. In this research the author makes a comparison between Italian common sayings and Chinese chengyu. Therefore, the key aim of this paper is to focus on the incorporation of chengyu to everyday life, in the hope of promoting learning and usage of chengyu amongst Italians.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chengyu, definition, origin, classification
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