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Study Of Confucius To Learn Philosophy

Posted on:2012-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335958476Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Documents unearthed in China has greatly advanced the field of philosophy related research. Confucius to learn that is driven by the attention Unearthed field of study. Through the integration of "The Analects of Confucius","Book of Rites, ""Yi", Silk "Yi"and "dual evidence" of Confucius Yi-ology said he could reveal a more complete system of thought of Confucius to learn. Based on the perspective of this paper to learn philosophy, trying to learn to do some system of Confucius to sort out and explore. Paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter from "Humanity and Heaven, " Explanations start, Confucius advocated the study is not without heaven; that "fifty-learning ZhouYi", the new solution, that the age of fifty Confucius had already started to learn "Yi"; to learn the attitude of Confucius The transition has gone through a "fifty-learning ZhouYi" to "Old age-preference ZhouYi "process, and further analysis of the Confucian "Old age-preference ZhouYi "reasons. The second chapter summarizes the view of Confucius to learn. Include "a matter of opinion, "the interpretation Yi-ology principle, "Le speech of justice " on the Yi-ology style and "View Morality to Dao " research Yi-ology purposes. The third chapter is the study of Confucius Yi-ology to start a specific purpose, and demand from seeking morality and Dao on two levels to learn the theory expounded by Confucius dimension. The fourth chapter examines the "Analects of Confucius ", "does not divination", pointed out that this language does not negate the divination of the meaning of Confucius; Confucius, although his later years, morality for the realization of the transcendence of divination, but not enough to show the relationship between Confucius to learn morality and divination occupation picture, Confucius has made the turn into the account the efforts of Morality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confucius, Yi-ology, fifty-learning of Zhou Yi, Old age-preference of ZhouYi, A matter of Ren opinion, A matter of Zhi opinion, Morality, Divination
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