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Singing Philosophical Perspective

Posted on:2012-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F X LinFull Text:PDF
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The scientific and artistic characteristics in the vocal music art embody the particularity of the unification of subjectivity and objectivity of the vocal music. Seen from the artistic angle a great many art genres are to be formed by the outstanding personality and subjectivity in the vocal music performing. Judged from the scientific nature the vocal music performance is the skillful performance and singing training is the technical general character training and it is especially essential to obtain good effect to follow the scientific principles of sounding. It is important guarantee that singing training gets twice the result with half the effort that Marxist philosophy (dialectical materialism) is taken as a guide to action in specific training process. From three aspects below it discusses singing training concretely in view of philosophy perspective in the survey in this paper and gains an insight into essence through the phenomena:first, the dialectical outlook as well as other aspects of contact of singing training; second, the dialectical concept of singing voice; Third, the dialectical view of singing voice techniques. The phenomenon of singing training is made to dialectical analysis, the rational perspective and the objective assurance through the three aspect's elaboration above in this article, so that maximizing professional training to reduce subjectivity and blindness and stepping on a scientific and rational orbit of unified subjectivity and objectivity dialectically, subsequently the efficiency of singing training is improved greatly. In a word, the scientific training must be followed by the Marxist philosophy as the guiding principle in singing training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Singing training, Philosophy, The dialectical outlook
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